Critique of Archaeological Reason

The Core

1. Critique: Notes to the printed volume (CAR)

Giorgio Buccellati – June 2017

The notes are supplementary to the printed volume (CAR, A Critique of Archaeological Reason). They link to chapter and section of the book, as listed in the left side bar.

Serving the function of footnotes in a printed text, the Notes expand briefly on single points of interest, provide documentation, and give bibliographical references. They are explicitly linked to specific items found in the annotated Bibliography and in other sections of the website. In turn, each bibliographical entry is linked to the Notes.

At the top of the lower left sidebar (in the Notes sub-section), one will find a detailed Table of Contents of the printed volume that reaches to the lowest sub-level within each chapter. (The printed version of the Table of Contents includes only the first three levels.) This detailed Table of Contents will help in placing the content of the website notes in their broader context, even though the fact remains that these website notes are essentially linked to the printed volume, so that reference to it is indispensable for a full utilization of the notes.

The author of each note is identified explicitly by name. Where a name is missing, the note is attributable to the main editor.

Back to top: 1. Critique: Notes to the printed volume (*[CAR](bibl.htm#CAR)*)