Critique of Archaeological Reason


Cancel culture

Giorgio Buccellati – March 2024


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“Future studies”

effectively a manifesto for Cancel Culture

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No “planetary museum”

not in the sense of a colelction of fossils

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Rather as a forum for dialog

A dialog on human experience

importance of authenticity of the witnesses

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Vs. “aura”

“customers” “stories” tourism Holtorf 2017

“The story people are perhaps most interested in when they choose to visit heritage sites is thus in part a story about themselves rather than one about the sites or objects they look at. p.3362

“it is almost beside the point to convey to visitors any specific information about what actually happened in the past.” p.3364

” it matters little for the storytelling potential if a heritage site has been meticulously repaired, faithfully restored, or entirely reconstructed – as long as it provides visitors with a believable experience. ” p. 3364

“The main asset of cultural heritage is thus its capacity to tell or evoke stories that appeal in the present. p. 3364

“it is the stories we tell that distinguish us from each other and make life enjoyable, maybe even worth living” !! p. 3364-65

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see Lisander

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