Year |
Author |
Title |
1781 |
Kant, Immanuel |
Kritik der reinen Vernunft |
1785 |
Kant, Immanuel |
Grundlegung zur Metaphysik der Sitten |
1786 |
Kant, Immanuel |
Metaphysische Anfangsgründe der Naturwissenschaft |
1787 |
Kant, Immanuel |
Kritik der reinen Vernunft2 |
1788 |
Kant, Immanuel |
Kritik der praktischen Vernunft |
1790 |
Kant, Immanuel |
Kritik der Urteilskraft |
1797 |
Kant, Immanuel |
Die Metaphysik der Sitte |
1836 |
Thomsen, Christian Jürgensen |
Ledetraad til Nordisk Oldkyndighed |
1843 |
Worsaae, Jens Jacob Asmussen |
Danmarks Oldtid oplyst ved Oldsager og Gravhøie |
1861 |
Darwin, Charles |
On the Origin of Species |
1881 |
Plato |
The Theaetetus |
1883 |
Dilthey, Wilhelm |
Einleitung in die Geisteswissenschaften |
1886 |
Wölfflin, Heinrich |
Prolegomena zu einer Psychologie der Architektur |
1913 |
Husserl, Edmund |
Ideen zu einer reinen Phänomenologie und phänomenologischen Philosophie |
1913 |
Simmel, Georg |
Kant: Sechzehn Vorlesungen gehalten an der Berliner Universität3 |
1915 |
Wölfflin, Heinrich |
Kunstgeschichtliche Grundbegriffe: Das Problem der Stilentwicklung in der neueren Kunst |
1921 |
Cassirer, Ernst |
Zur Einsteinschen Relativitätstheorie |
1922 |
De Saussure, Ferdinand |
Cours de linguistique générale |
1923 |
Cassirer, Ernst |
Philosophie der symbolischen Formen. Teil 1: Die Sprache |
1925 |
Cassirer, Ernst |
Philosophie der symbolischen Formen. Teil 2: Das mythische Denken |
1925 |
Cassirer, Ernst |
Philosophie der symbolischen Formen. Teil 3. Phänomenologie der Erkenntnis |
1927 |
Heidegger, Martin |
Sein und Zeit |
1927 |
Panofsky, Erwin |
“Die Perspektive als ‘symbolische Form’“ |
1935 |
Jung, Carl Gustav |
“Über die Archetypen und des kollektiven Unbewußten” |
1936 |
Cassirer, Ernst |
“Critical Idealism as a Philosophy of Culture” |
1936 |
Jung, Carl Gustav |
“The Concept of the Collective Unconscious” |
1937 |
Peirce, Charles Sanders |
Collected Papers |
1939 |
Childe, Gordon V. |
“The Orient and Europe” |
1939 |
Panofsky, Erwin |
Studies in Iconology: Humanistic - Themes in the Art of the Renaissance |
1944 |
Krieger, Alex D. |
“Archaeology: The Typological Concept” |
1945 |
Bush, Vannevar |
“As We May Think” |
1945 |
Cassirer, Ernst |
“Structuralism in Modern Linguistics” |
1945 |
Lévi-Strauss, Claude |
“L’analyse structurale en linguistique et en anthropologie” |
1946 |
Childe, Gordon V. |
“Archaeology and Anthropology” |
1947 |
Heidegger, Martin |
Über den Humanismus |
1949 |
Bloch, Marc |
Apologie pour l’histoire ou métier d’historien |
1949 |
Lévi-Strauss, Claude |
Les structures élémentaires de la parenté |
1950 |
Childe, Gordon V. |
“The Urban Revolution” |
1950 |
Holborn, Hajo |
“Wilhelm Dilthey and the Critique of Historical Reason” |
1950 |
Urban, Wilbur M. |
“Metaphysics and History” |
1952 |
Lévi-Strauss, Claude |
“La Notion de Structure en Ethnologie” |
1953 |
Panofsky, Erwin |
Early Netherlandish Painting |
1953 |
Schapiro, M. |
“Style” |
1953 |
Spaulding, C. Albert |
“Statistical Techniques for the Discovery of Artifact Types” |
1954 |
Hawkes, Christopher |
“Archaeological Theory and Method: Some Suggestions from the Old World” |
1955 |
Lévi-Strauss, Claude |
“The Structural Study of Myth” |
1955 |
Panofsky, Erwin |
Meaning in the Visual Arts: Papers in and on Art History |
1955 |
Willey, Gordon R.; Di Peso, Charles C.; Ritchie, William A.; Rouse, Irving; Rowe, John H.; Lathrap, Donald W. |
“An Archaeological Classification of Culture Contact Situations” |
1956 |
Lévi-Strauss, Claude |
“Structure et Dialectique” |
1957 |
Childe, Gordon V. |
Man Makes Himself |
1957 |
Chomsky, Noam |
Syntactic Structures |
1958 |
Darwin, Charles |
The Autobiography of Charles Darwin 1809-1882 |
1958 |
Lévi-Strauss, Claude |
Anthropologie Structurale |
1958 |
Propp, Vladimir |
Morphology of the Folktale |
1960 |
Gadamer, Hans-Georg |
Hermeneutik I. Wahrheit und Methode. Grundzüge einer philosophischen Hermeneutik |
1960 |
Greenberg, Joseph H. |
“A Quantitative Approach to the Morphological Typology of Language” |
1960 |
Harris, Zellig |
Structural Linguistics |
1960 |
Lévi-Strauss, Claude |
“Structure and Form: Reflections on a Work by Vladimir Propp” |
1960 |
Rouse, Irving |
“The Classification of Artifacts in Archaeology” |
1960 |
Sartre, Jean-Paul |
Critique de la raison dialectique (précédé de Question de méthode) |
1961 |
Murphey, Murray G. |
The Development of Peirce’s Philosophy |
1962 |
Binford, Lewis |
“Archaeology as Anthropology” |
1962 |
Kuhn, Thomas S. |
The Structure of Scientific Revolutions |
1962 |
McLuhan, Marshall |
The Gutenberg Galaxy: The Making of Typographic Man |
1963 |
Ricoeur, Paul |
“Symbole et temporalité” |
1964 |
Lévi-Strauss, Claude |
Le cru et le cuit |
1964 |
Longacre, W.A. |
“Archaeology as Anthropology: a Case Study” |
1964 |
McLuhan, Marshall |
Understanding Media: The Extensions of Man |
1965 |
Zadeh, Lofti A. |
“Fuzzy Sets” |
1966 |
Buccellati, Giorgio |
The Amorites of the Ur III Period |
1966 |
Longacre, W.A. |
“Changing Patterns of Social Integration A Prehistoric Example from the American Southwest” |
1967 |
Derrida, Jacques |
De la grammatologie |
1967 |
McLuhan, Marshall; Quentin Fiore |
The Medium is the Massage: An Inventory of Effects |
1967 |
De Saussure, Ferdinand |
Cours de linguistique générale |
1968 |
Clarke, David |
Analytical Archaeology |
1968 |
Hill, James N. |
“Broken K Pueblo: Patterns of Form and Function” |
1969 |
Buschor, E. |
“Begriff und Methode der Archaeologie” |
1969 |
Schiering, W. |
“Begriff und Methode der Archaeologie” |
1970 |
Contini, Gianfranco |
“Esercizio d’interpretazione sopra un sonetto di Dante” |
1970 |
Foucault, Michel |
The Order of Things: An Archaeology of the Human Sciences |
1970 |
Fritz, J.; Plog, F. |
“The Nature of Archaeological Explanation” |
1970 |
Gardin, Jean-Claude |
Archéologie et calculateurs: problèmes sémiologiques et mathématiques, Marseille 7-12 avril, 1969 |
1970 |
Hymes, M.D. |
Linguistic Models in Archaeology |
1971 |
Dunnell, Robert |
Systematics in Prehistory |
1971 |
Hrouda, B. |
Handbuch der Archäologie: Vorderasien I |
1971 |
Schuyler, Robert L. |
“The History of American Archaeology: An Examination of Procedure” |
1971 |
Verene, Donald Philip |
Cassirer: Symbol, Myth, and Culture. Essays and Lectures of Ernst Cassirer 1935-1945 |
1971 |
Watson, Patty Jo; LeBlanc, Steven A.; Redman, Charles L. |
Explanation in Archaeology: An Explicitly Scientific Approach |
1972 |
Binford, Lewis |
An Archaeological Perspective |
1972 |
Conklin, Harold C. |
Folk Classification. A Topically Arranged Bibliography of Contemporary and Background References through 1971 |
1972 |
Eldredge, Niles; S.J. Gould |
“Punctuated Equilibria: An Alternative to Phyletic Gradualism” |
1972 |
Foucault, Michel |
The Archaeology of Knowledge |
1972 |
Hillman, James |
The Myth of Analysis: Three Essays in Archetypal Psychology |
1972 |
Keesing, Roger M. |
“Paradigms Lost: The New Ethnography and the New Linguistics” |
1972 |
Rodi, Frithjof |
“Das Erlebnis: die ‘dynamische Einheit’“ |
1972 |
Rouse, Irving |
Introduction to Prehistory: A Systematic Approach |
1972 |
Wright, Larry |
“Functions” |
1973 |
Clarke, David |
“Archaeology: The Loss of Innocence” |
1974 |
Keesing, Roger M. |
“Theories of Culture” |
1974 |
Smith, R.E. |
“Ethics in Field Archaeology” |
1975 |
Harris, Edward |
“The Stratigraphic Sequence: A Question of Time” |
1976 |
Gadamer, Hans-Georg |
Philosophical Hermeneutics |
1976 |
Gardin, Jean-Claude |
Code pour l’analyse des formes de poteries |
1976 |
Hollinger, Robert |
“Aspects of the Theory of Classification” |
1976 |
Levin, Michael |
“On the Ascription of Functions to Objects, with Special Reference to Inference in Archaeology” |
1976 |
Salmon, Merrilee H. |
“‘Deductive’ Versus ‘Inductive’ Archaeology” |
1977 |
Buccellati, Giorgio |
“The Old Babylonian Linguistic Analysis Project: Goals, Procedures and First Results” |
1977 |
Karatani, Kojin |
Transcritique: On Kant and Marx |
1977 |
Kelly-Buccellati, Marilyn |
“Towards the Use of Quantitative Analysis in Mesopotamian Sphragistics” |
1977 |
Klejn, Leo |
“A Panorama of Theoretical Archaeology” |
1977 |
Matejka, Ladislav; Titunik, Irwin R. |
Semiotics of Art: Prague School Contributions |
1977 |
Sackett, James R. |
“The Meaning of Style in Archaeology: A General Model” |
1977 |
Smith, Bruce D. |
“Archaeological Inference and Inductive Confirmation” |
1977 |
Wobst, Martin |
“Stylistic Behavior and Information Exchange” |
1977 |
Wright, Alex |
“The Secret History of Hypertext” |
1978 |
Baxandall, Michael |
Painting and Experience in Fifteenth Century Italy.2 |
1978 |
Chang, K.C. |
“Some Theoretical Issues in the Archaeological Study of Historical Reality” |
1978 |
Dunnell, Robert |
“Style and Function - A Fundamental Dichotomy” |
1978 |
Dunnell, Robert C.; Hall, Edwin S. |
Archaeological Essays in Honor of Irving B. Rouse |
1978 |
Gumerman, George J.; Phillips Jr., David A. |
“Archaeology beyond Anthropology” |
1978 |
Hill, James N. |
“Individuals and Their Artifacts: An Experimental Study in Archaeology” |
1978 |
Read, Dwight,; LeBlanc, Steven A. |
“Descriptive Statements, Covering Laws, and Theories in Archaeology” |
1978 |
Sagan, Carl; Drake, F.D.; Druyan, Ann; Ferris, Timothy; Lomberg, Jon; Sagan, Linda Slzman |
Murmurs of Earth: The Voyager Interstellar Record |
1978 |
Salmon, Merrilee H. |
“What Can Systems Theory Do for Archaeology?” |
1979 |
Gardin, Jean-Claude |
Une archéologie théorique |
1979 |
Ginzburg, Carlo |
“Spie. Radici di un paradigma indiziario” |
1979 |
Harris, Edward |
“The Laws of Archaeological Stratigraphy” |
1979 |
Harris, Edward |
Principles of Archaeological Stratigraphy |
1979 |
Kramer, Carol |
Ethnoarchaeology: Implications of Ethnography for Archaeology |
1979 |
Preziosi, Donald |
The Semiotics of the Built Environment |
1980 |
Barrelet, M.-Th.; Gardin, Jean-Claude |
A propos des interprétations archàologiques de la poterie: Questions ouvertes |
1980 |
Bulhof, Ilse N. |
Wilhelm Dilthey. A Hermeneutic Approach to the Study of History and Culture |
1980 |
Chomsky, Noam |
Rules and Representations |
1980 |
Gardin, Jean-Claude |
Archaeological Constructs. An Aspect of Theoretical Archaeology |
1980 |
Joukowsky, Martha |
A Complete Manual of Field Archaeology: Tools and Techniques of Field Work for Archaeologists |
1980 |
Kadare, Ismail |
The Palace of Dreams |
1980 |
Renfrew, Colin |
“The Great Tradition versus the Great Divide: Archaeology as Anthropology?” |
1981 |
Buccellati, Giorgio |
“Principles of Stylistic Analysis” |
1981 |
Buccellati, Giorgio |
“Stratigraphic Sections” |
1981 |
Buccellati, Giorgio |
“The Origin of Writing and the Beginning of History” |
1981 |
Dever, William G. |
“The Impact of the ‘New Archaeology’ on Syro-Palestinian Archaeology” |
1982 |
Barker, Philip |
Techniques of Archaeological Excavation |
1982 |
Brown, James A. |
“On the Structure of Artifact Typology” |
1982 |
Cowgill, L.C. |
“Cluster of Objects and Association of Variables: Two Approaches to Archaeological Classification” |
1982 |
Dunnell, Robert |
“Science, Social Science and Common Sense: The Agonizing Dilemma of Modern Archaeology” |
1982 |
Flannery, Kent V. |
“The Golden Marshalltown: A Parable for the Archeology of the 1980s” |
1982 |
Hodder, Ian |
The Present Past: An Introduction to Anthropology for Archaeologists |
1982 |
Hodder, Ian |
“Theoretical Archaeology” |
1982 |
Hodson, F.R. |
“Some Aspects of Archaeological Classification” |
1982 |
Read, Dwight |
“Toward a Theory of Archaeological Classification” |
1982 |
Salmon, Merrilee H. |
Philosophy and Archaeology |
1982 |
Spaulding, C. Albert |
“Structure in Archaeological Data: Nominal Variables” |
1982 |
Vierra, Robert K. |
“Typology, Classification and Theory Building” |
1982 |
Villa, Paola |
“Conjoinable Pieces and Site Formation Processes” |
1982 |
Voorrips, Albertus |
“Data Structuring Concepts: Definitions and Interrelationships” |
1982 |
Whallon, Robert (eds.); Brown, J.A. |
Essays on Archaeological Theory |
1983 |
Assmann, Jan |
Das kulturelle Gedächtnis. Schrift, Erinnerung und politische Identität |
1983 |
Buccellati, Giorgio; Rouault, Olivier |
“Terqa Preliminary Report, N. 12: Digital Plotting of Archaeological Floor Plans” |
1983 |
Diehl, Richard A. |
Tula: The Toltec Capital of Ancient Mexico |
1983 |
Gasche, H.; Tunca, Ö. |
“Guide to Archeostratigraphic Classification and Terminology: Definitions and Principles” |
1983 |
Tringham, R. |
“V. Gordon Childe 25 Years after: His Relevance for the Archaeology of the Eighties” |
1983 |
Tufte, Edward Rolf |
The Visual Display of Quantitative Information |
1984 |
Giddens, Anthony |
The Constitution of Society. Outline of the Theory of Structuration |
1984 |
Hayden, Brian |
“Are Emic Types Relevant to Archaeology?” |
1984 |
Holly, Michael Ann |
Panofsky and the Foundations of Art History |
1984 |
Trigger, Bruce G. |
“Alternative Archaeologies: Nationalist, Colonialist, Imperialist” |
1985 |
Bogucki, Peter |
“Theoretical Directions in European Archaeology” |
1985 |
Carr, Christopher |
For Concordance in Archaeological Analysis. Bridging Data Structure, Quantitative Technique and Theory |
1985 |
Jung, Carl Gustav |
Die Archetypen und das kollektive Unbewußte. |
1985 |
Patrik, Linda E. |
“Is There an Archaeological Record?” |
1985 |
Rodi, Frithjof |
“Dilthey’s Kritik der historischen Vernunft – Programm oder System” |
1985 |
Schiffer, Michael B. |
“Is There a ‘Pompeii Premise’ in Archaeology?” |
1985 |
Snodgrass, A. M. |
“The New Archaeology and the Classical Archaeologist” |
1985 |
Wylie, Alison |
“Between Philosophy and Archaeology” |
1985 |
Wylie, Alison |
“The Reaction against Analogy” |
1986 |
Assmann, Jan |
“Viel Stil am Nil? Altägypten und das Problem des Kulturstils” |
1986 |
Bietti Sestieri, A. M. |
“I dati di fronte alla teoria” |
1986 |
De Saussure, Ferdinand |
Course in General Linguistics |
1987 |
Adams, William Y.; Adams, Ernest W. |
“Purpose and Scientific Concept Formation” |
1987 |
Harris, Roy |
Reading Saussure. A Critical Commentary on the Cours de linguistique générale |
1987 |
Hodder, Ian |
“The Contextual Analysis of Symbolic Meanings” |
1987 |
Schiffer, Michael B. |
Formation Processes of the Archaeological Record |
1988 |
Courbin, Paul |
What is Archaeology? An Essay on the Nature of Archaeological Research |
1988 |
Hodder, Ian; Binford, Lewis; Stone, N. |
“Archaeology and Theory” |
1988 |
Loprieno, Antonio |
Topos und Mimesis. Zum Ausländer in der ägyptischen Literatur |
1989 |
Algaze; et al. |
“The Uruk Expansion Cross-cultural Exchange in Early Mesopotamian Civilization [with Comments and Reply]” |
1989 |
Gibbon, Guy |
Explanation in Archaeology |
1989 |
Harris, Edward |
Principles of Archaeological Stratigraphy |
1989 |
Read, Dwight |
“Intuitive Typology and Automatic Classification: Divergence or Full Circle?” |
1989 |
Sackett, James R. |
“Style and Ethnicity in Archaeology: The Case for Isochrestism” |
1989 |
Stein, Edith |
On the Problem of Empathy |
1989 |
Tilley, Christopher |
“Interpreting Material Culture” |
1989 |
Trienes, Rudie |
“Type Concept Revisited: A Survey of German Idealistic Morphology in the First Half of the Twentieth Century” |
1989 |
Wynn, Thomas G. |
The Evolution of Spatial Competence |
1990 |
Buccellati, Giorgio |
“On Poetry - Theirs and Ours” |
1990 |
Gadamer, Hans-Georg |
Hermeneutik I. Wahrheit und Methode. Grundzüge einer philosophischen Hermeneutik |
1990 |
Headland, Thomas; Pike, Kenneth L.; Harris, Marvin |
Emics and etics. The Insider/Outsider Debate |
1990 |
McCarthy, Thomas [A.] |
“The Critique of Impure Reason: Foucault and the Frankfurt School” |
1990 |
Tilley, Christopher |
“Michel Foucault: Towards an Archaeology of Archaeology” |
1990 |
Tilley, Christopher |
Reading Material Culture: Structuralism, Hermeneutics and Post-Structuralism |
1990 |
Tufte, Edward Rolf |
Envisioning Information |
1990 |
Vidal, Jacques |
“Herméneutiques des symboles” |
1990- |
Seamon, David |
Environmental and Architectural Phenomenology |
1991 |
Bintliff, J. |
“Post-modernism, Rhetoric and Scholasticism at TAG: The Current State of British Archaeological Theory” |
1991 |
Foley, John Miles |
Immanent Art. From Structure to Meaning in Traditional Oral Epic |
1991 |
Husserl, Edmund |
On the Phenomenology of the Consciousness of Internal Time (1893-1917) |
1991 |
Kosso, Peter |
“Archaeology: Middle-Range Theory As Hermeneutics” |
1991 |
Mayr, Ernst |
One Long Argument: Charles Darwin and the Genesis of Modern Evolutionary Thought |
1991 |
Rowe, John |
“Stratigraphy and Seriation” |
1991 |
Tilley, Christopher |
“Materialism and an Archaeology of Dissonance” |
1991 |
Tufte, Edward Rolf |
Dequantification in Scientific Visualization: Is This Science or Television |
1991 |
Wittgenstein, Ludwig |
Bemerkungen über Frazers Golden Bough |
1992 |
Ammerman, J. Albert |
“Taking Stock of Quantitative Archaeology” |
1992 |
Assmann, Aleida (eds.); Assmann, Jan |
Schrift und Gedächtnis. Beiträge zur Archäologie der literarischen Kommunikation |
1992 |
Embree, Lester |
Metaarchaeology. Reflections by Archaeologists and Philosophers |
1992 |
Gardin, Jean-Claude (eds.); Peebles, Christopher S. |
Representations in Archaeology |
1992 |
Halbwach, Maurice |
On Collective Memory |
1992 |
Hegmon, Michelle |
“Archaeological Research on Style” |
1992 |
Hodder, Ian |
“Haddenham Causewayed Enclosure - A Hermeneutic Circle” |
1992 |
Hörisch, Jochen |
Tauschen, sprechen, begehren. Eine Kritik der unreinen Vernunft |
1992 |
Johnsen, Harald; Olsen, Bjørnar |
“Hermeneutics and Archaeology: On the Philosophy of Contextual Archaeology” |
1992 |
Potter Jr., Parker B. |
“Archaeology: In the Ground and on the Street” |
1992 |
Shanks, Michael; Chrisopher Tilley |
Re-Constructing Archaeology: Theory and Practice2 |
1992 |
Thomas, J.; Tilley, Christopher |
“TAG and Post-modernism: A Reply to John Bintliff” |
1993 |
Chase-Dunn, C.; Hall, T. |
“Comparing World-Systems: Concepts and Working Hypotheses” |
1993 |
Dyson, S.L. |
“From New to New Age Archaeology: Archaeological Theory and Classical Archaeology – A 1990s Perspective” |
1993 |
Harland, Richard |
Beyond Superstructuralism |
1993 |
Thomas, J. |
“The Hermeneutics of Megalithic Space” |
1993 |
Yoffee, Norman; Sherratt, Andrew |
Archaeological Theory: Who Sets the Agenda? |
1994 |
Baudrillard, Jean |
Simulacra and Simulation |
1994 |
Bollong, Charles A. |
“Analysis of Site Stratigraphy and Formation Processes Using Patterns of Pottery Sherd Dispersion” |
1994 |
Cauvin, J. |
Nascita delle divinità nascita dell’agricoltura. La rivoluzione dei simboli del Neolitico |
1994 |
Lascar, Fabrice |
“Le retard de l’archéologue: L’interprétation historienne face à l’oeuvre de Michel Foucault” |
1994 |
Postgate, J. Nicholas |
“Text and Figure in Ancient Mesopotamia” |
1994 |
Renfrew, Colin |
“Cognitive Archaeology” |
1994 |
Renfrew, Colin (eds.); Zubrow, Ezra B.W. |
The Ancient Mind: Elements of Cognitive Archaeology |
1994 |
Wasserman, Stanley; Faust, Katherine |
Social Network Analysis: Methods and Applications |
1995 |
Darch, Peter T.; Sands, Asley E |
“Beyond Big or Little Science: Understanding Data Life Cycles in Astronomy and the Deep Subseafloor Biosphere” |
1995 |
Dark, K.R. |
Theoretical Archaeology |
1995 |
Hodder, Ian (eds.); Shanks, Michael; Alexandri, Alexandra; Buchli, Victor; Carman, John; Last, Jonathan; Lucas, Gavin |
Interpreting Archaeology: Finding Meaning in the Past |
1995 |
Meskell, Lynn |
“Goddesses, Gimbutas and ‘New Age’ Archaeology” |
1995 |
Miksa, Francis |
The Historical Development of Library Classification |
1995 |
Nash, Ronald J. |
“Deconstructing Archaeology?” |
1995 |
Sobel, D. |
Longitude |
1995 |
Tani, M. |
“Beyond the Identification of Formation Processes” |
1996 |
Anawalt, Patricia Rieff |
“Textiles of Sacrifice: Aztec Ritual Capes” |
1996 |
Browman, David L.; Douglas R. Givens |
“Stratigraphic Excavation: The First New Archaeology” |
1996 |
Flannery, K.; Marcus, J. |
“Cognitive Archaeology” |
1996 |
Gero, Joan M. |
“Archaeological Practice and Gendered Encounters with Field Data” |
1996 |
Holly, Michael Ann |
Past Looking: Historical Imagination and the Rhetoric of the Image |
1996 |
Shanks, Michael |
“Style and the Design of a Perfume Jar from an Archaic Greek City State” |
1996 |
Steadman, Sharon K. |
“Recent Research in the Archaeology of Architecture: Beyond the Foundations” |
1997 |
Bernbeck, Reinhard |
Theorien in der Archäologie |
1997 |
Braudel, Fernand |
“L’histoire, mesure du monde” |
1997 |
Caws, Peter |
Structuralism. A Philosophy for the Human Sciences |
1997 |
Davies, Tony |
Humanism |
1997 |
Golden, Mark; Toohey, Peter |
Inventing Ancient Culture: Historicism, Periodization and the Ancient World |
1997 |
Herz, Norman; Garrison, Ervan G. |
Geological Methods for Archaeology |
1997 |
Schiffer, Michael B.; James M. Skibo |
“The Explanation of Artifact Variability” |
1997 |
Tilley, Christopher |
A Phenomenology of Landscape: Places, Paths and Monuments |
1997 |
Tufte, Edward Rolf |
Visual Explanations: Images and Quantities, Evidence and Narrative |
1998 |
Lyman Lee, R.; O’Brien, Michael J. |
“The Goals of Evolutionary Archaeology: History of Explanation” |
1998 |
Marassi, Massimo |
Gadamer e l’ermeneutica contemporanea |
1998 |
Müller-Scheessel, N. |
“’Archaeology is Nothing if it is not Critique’ Zum Archaeologieverstaendnis von Shanks und Tilley” |
1998 |
Rodi, Frithjof |
“Der Strukturzusammenhang des Lebens” |
1998 |
Snyder, Ilana |
Page to Screen: Taking Literacy Into the Electronic Era |
1998 |
Whittaker, John C.; Caulkins, Douglas; Kamp, Kathryn A. |
“Evaluating Consistency in Typology and Classification” |
1999 |
Agrawal, D.P.; Bhalakia, V.; Kusumgar, S. |
“Indian and Other Concepts of Time: A Holistic Framework” |
1999 |
Barker, Graeme |
Companion Encyclopedia of Archaeology |
1999 |
Carstairs-McCarthy, Andrew |
The Origins of Complex Language: An Inquiry into the Evolutionary Beginnings of Sentences, Syllables, and Truth |
1999 |
Cremo, Michael A. |
“Puranic Time and the Archaeological Record” |
1999 |
de Raemy, Daniel; Feihl, Olivier; Golay, Laurent; Pedrucci, Anna; Dresco, Jean-Pierre; Nicollier, Jean |
Chillon, La Chapelle |
1999 |
Gosden, Christopher |
Anthropology and Archaeology: A Changing Relationship |
1999 |
Gosden, Christopher; Marshall, Yvonne |
“The Cultural Biography of Objects” |
1999 |
Hayles, N. Katherine |
How We Became Posthuman: Virtual Bodies in Cybernetics, Literature, and Informatics |
1999 |
Hodder, Ian |
The Archaeological Process: An Introduction |
1999 |
Jolles, Frank |
“German Romantic Chronology and its Impact on the Interpretation of Prehistory” |
1999 |
King, Barbara J. |
The Origins of Language: What Nonhuman Primates Can Tell Us |
1999 |
Lyman Lee, R.; O’Brien, Michael J. |
“Americanist Stratigraphic Excavation and the Measurement of Cultural Change” |
1999 |
McGlade, James |
“The Times of History: Archaeology, Narrative and Non-Linear Causality” |
1999 |
Mishra, Sheila |
“Developing an Indian Stone Age Chronology” |
1999 |
Murray, Tim |
“Introduction” |
1999 |
Murray, Tim |
“A Return to the ‘Pompeii Premise’“ |
1999 |
Murray, Tim |
Time and Archaeology |
1999 |
Olivier, Laurent |
“The Hochdorf ‘Princely’ Grave and the Question of the Nature of Archaeological Funerary Assemblages” |
1999 |
Panneerselvam, S. |
“Myths as Discourse in the Structural Hermeneutics of Lévi-Strauss” |
1999 |
Rodi, Frithjof |
“‘Der Zweck ist eben das strukturierte Ganze selbst.’ Die Rolle der Musik in Diltheys Leben und Schriften” |
1999 |
Stone, Peter G. (eds.); Planel, Philippe G. |
The Constructed Past: Experimental Archaeology, Education and the Public |
2000 |
Barceló, Juan A. (eds.); Forte, Maurizio; Sanders, Donald H. |
Virtual Reality in Archaeology |
2000 |
Bauman, Zygmunt |
Liquid Modernity |
2000 |
Buccellati, Giorgio |
“On Poetry and Friendship: Linear and Tensional Elements in the Old Babylonian Episode of Gilgamesh and Enkidu” |
2000 |
Carandini, Andrea |
Storie dalla terra. Manuale di scavo archeologico |
2000 |
Cassirer, Ernst |
“Substanzbegriff und Funktionsbegriff” |
2000 |
Costello, Julia |
“Red Light Voices: An Archaeological Drama of Late Nineteenth-Century Prostitution” |
2000 |
Davis, Whitney |
“The Site of Sexuality: William Beckford’s Fonthill Abbey, 1780-1824” |
2000 |
Figal, Günther; Grondin, Jean; Schmidt, Dennis J. |
Hermeneutische Wege. Hans-Georg Gadamer zum Hundertsten |
2000 |
McManus, Paulette M. |
Archaeological Displays and the Public: Museology and Interpretation |
2000 |
Moran, Dermot |
Introduction to Phenomenology |
2000 |
Schmidt, Robert A. (eds.); Voss, Barbara L. |
Archaeologies of Sexuality |
2000 |
Sokolowski, Robert |
Introduction to Phenomenology |
2001 |
Bahn, Paul G. |
The Penguin Archaeology Guide |
2001 |
Berners-Lee, Tim; Headler, J.; Lassila, O. |
“The Semantic Web” |
2001 |
Binford, Lewis |
“Where Do Research Problems Come From?” |
2001 |
Calvin, William H.; Bickerton, Derek |
Lingua Ex Machina: Reconciling Darwin and Chomsky with the Human Brain |
2001 |
Cicovacki, Predrag |
Kant’s Legacy: Essays in Honor of Lewis White Beck |
2001 |
Eggert, Manfred K.H. |
Prähistorische Archäologie: Konzepte und Methoden |
2001 |
Hodder, Ian |
Archaeological Theory Today |
2001 |
Hurt, Teresa D.; Rakita, Gordon F.M. |
Style and Function: Conceptual Issues in Evolutionary Archaeology |
2001 |
Klejn, Leo |
Introduction to Theoretical Archaeology: Meta-Archaeology |
2001 |
Kosso, Peter |
Knowing the Past: Philosophical Issues of History and Archaeology |
2001 |
Layton, Robert (eds.); Stone, Peter G.; Thomas, Julian |
Destruction and Conservation of Cultural Property |
2001 |
Lucas, Gavin |
“Destruction and the Rhetoric of Excavation” |
2001 |
Lucas, Gavin |
Critical Approaches to Fieldwork: Contemporary and Historical Archaeological Practice |
2001 |
Mithen, S. |
“Archaeological Theory and Theories of Cognitive Evolution” |
2001 |
O’Meara, J. Tim |
“Causation and the Postmodern Critique of Objectivity” |
2001 |
Pearson, Mike; Shanks, Michael |
Theatre/Archaeology |
2001 |
Renfrew, Colin |
“Symbol before Concept” |
2001 |
Rodi, Frithjof |
“Der ‘schaffende’ Ausdruck: Bemerkungen zu einer Kategorie des späten Dilthey” |
2001 |
Roskams, Steve |
Excavation |
2002 |
Friendly, Michael |
“Visions and Re-Visions of Charles Joseph Minard” |
2002 |
Giannichedda, Enrico |
Archeologia teorica |
2002 |
Givón, Talmy (eds.); Malle, Bertram F. |
The Evolution of Language out of Pre-Language |
2002 |
Guidi, Alessandro |
“Dalle comunità di villaggio alle soglie dell’urbanizzazione in Europa dal Neolitico all’età del ferro” |
2002 |
Hodder, Ian |
“Ethics and Archaeology: The Attempt at Çatalhöyük” |
2002 |
Jazykova, Irina |
«Io faccio nuova ogni cosa». L’icona nel XX secolo |
2002 |
Joyce, Rosemary A. |
The Languages of Archaeology: Dialogue, Narrative, and Writing |
2002 |
Lieberman, Philip |
Human Language and Our Reptilian Brain: The Subcortical Bases of Speech, Syntax, and Thought |
2002 |
Marshall, Yvonne |
“What Is Community Archaeology?” |
2002 |
O’Brien, Michael J.; Lyman, R. Lee |
“The Epistemological Nature of Archaeological Units” |
2002 |
O’Brien, Michael J.; Lyman, R. Lee |
Seriation, Stratigraphy, and Index Fossils: The Backbone of Archaeological Dating |
2002 |
Politis, Gustavo G.; Saunders, Nicholas J. |
“Archaeological Correlates of Ideological Activity: Food Taboos and Spirit-Animals in an Amazonian Hunter-Gatherer Society” |
2002 |
Richards, Julian D. |
“Digital Preservation and Access” |
2002 |
Ryan, Marie-Laure |
“Beyond Myth and Metaphor: Narrative in Digital Media” |
2002 |
Sheehan, Kim Bartel |
“Of Surfing, Searching, and Newshounds: A Typology of Internet Users’ Online Sessions” |
2002 |
Walker, William H. |
“Stratigraphy and Practical Reason” |
2002 |
Wylie, Alison |
Thinking from Things: Essays in the Philosophy of Archaeology |
2002 |
Wynn, Thomas G. |
“Archaeology and Cognitive Evolution” |
2003 |
Areshian, Gregory |
“The Zoomorphic Code of the Proto-Indo-European Mythological Cycle of ‘Birth-Death-Resurrection’: A Linguistic-Archaeological Reconstruction” |
2003 |
Bahrani, Zainab |
The Graven Image: Representation in Babylonia and Assyria |
2003 |
Hodder, Ian |
Archaeology beyond Dialogue |
2003 |
Hodder, Ian; Hutson, Scott |
Reading the Past: Current Approaches to Interpretation in Archaeology |
2003 |
Lancaster, F.W. |
Indexing and Abstracting in Theory and Practice |
2003 |
McGimsey, Charles R. |
“The Four Fields of Archaeology” |
2003 |
Mytum, Haroid |
“Artefact Biography as an Approach to Material Culture: Irish Gravestones as a Material Form of Genealogy” |
2003 |
Rodi, Frithjof |
Das Strukturierte Ganze: Studien zu den Werk von Wilhelm Dilthey |
2003 |
Vila, Xurxo M. Ayán (eds.); Rotea, Rebeca Blanco; Borrazás, Patricia Mañana |
Archaeotecture: Archaeology of Architecture |
2003 |
Yarrow, Thomas |
“Artefactual Persons: The Relational Capacities of Persons and Things in the Practice of Excavation” |
2004 |
Becher, Bernd; Becher, Hilla; Zweite, Armin |
Typologies of Industrial Buildings |
2004 |
Bennett, Tony |
Pasts beyond Memory: Evolution, Museums, Colonialism |
2004 |
Buccellati, Giorgio |
“Il secondo millennio nella memoria epica di Giuda e Israele” |
2004 |
Burke, Heather; Smith, Claire |
The Archaeologist’s Field Handbook |
2004 |
Casey, Edward S. |
“Public Memory in Place and Time” |
2004 |
Marassi, Massimo |
“I Dialoghi del sapere: Schleiermacher traduttore di Platone” |
2004 |
Merriman, Nick |
Public Archaeology |
2004 |
Montanari, Massimo |
Il cibo come cultura |
2004 |
Rowan, Yorke M.; Baram, Uzi |
Marketing Heritage: Archaeology and the Consumption of the Past |
2004 |
Rush, Fred |
The Cambridge Companion to Critical Theory |
2004 |
Shackel, Paul A. (eds.); Chambers, Erve J. |
Places in Mind: Public Archaeology as Applied Anthropology |
2004 |
Tufte, Edward Rolf |
The Cognitive Style of PowerPoint |
2005 |
Aristotle |
Divisioni |
2005 |
Assmann, Jan |
Religion and Cultural Memory: Ten Studies |
2005 |
Carver, Martin |
“Key Ideas in Excavation” |
2005 |
Dobres, Marcia-Anne; Robb, John E. |
“‘Doing’ Agency: Introductory Remarks on Methodology” |
2005 |
Hayles, N. Katherine |
My Mother Was a Computer: Digital Subjects and Literary Texts |
2005 |
Hegmon, Michelle; Kulow, Stephanie |
“Painting as Agency, Style as Structure: Innovations in Mimbres Pottery Designs from Southwest New Mexico” |
2005 |
Hodder, Ian |
“Post-Processual and Interpretive Archaeology” |
2005 |
Livingston, Paisley |
Art and Intention: A Philosophical Study |
2005 |
Lucas, Gavin |
The Archaeology of Time |
2005 |
Mayer, Richard E. |
The Cambridge Handbook of Multimedia Learning |
2005 |
Meskell, Lynn |
Archaeologies of Materiality |
2005 |
Miller, Robert |
Chieftains of the Highland Clans. A History of Israel in the 12th and 11th Centuries B.C. |
2005 |
Pettitt, Paul B. |
“Ideas in Relative and Absolute Dating” |
2005 |
Renfrew, Colin (eds.); Bahn, Paul G. |
Archaeology: The Key Concepts |
2005 |
Sabloff, Jeremy |
“Processual Archaeology” |
2005 |
Scarre, Chris |
The Human Past: World Prehistory and the Development of Human Societies |
2005 |
Stein, Julie K. |
“Principles of Stratigraphic Succession” |
2006 |
Agnew, Neville (eds.); Bridgland, Janet |
Of the Past, for the Future: Integrating Archaeology and Conservation |
2006 |
Areshian, Gregory |
“Sequences of Signs: Eurasian Archaeology from a Perspective of Cultural Semiotics” |
2006 |
Bahrani, Zainab |
“Race and Ethnicity in Mesopotamian Antiquity” |
2006 |
Balter, Michael |
The Goddess and the Bull. Çatalhöyük: An Archaeological Journey to the Dawn of Civilization |
2006 |
Bradley, Richard |
“The Excavation Report as a Literary Genre: Traditional Practice in Britain” |
2006 |
Breglia, Lisa |
Monumental Ambivalence: The Politics of Heritage |
2006 |
Buccellati, Giorgio |
“On (e)-tic and -emic” |
2006 |
Buccellati, Giorgio |
“An Archaeologist on Mars” |
2006 |
Carman, John |
“Digging the Dirt: Excavation as a Social Practice” |
2006 |
Catuneanu, Octavian |
Principles of Sequence Stratigraphy |
2006 |
Davey, Nicholas |
Unquiet Understanding: Gadamer’s Philosophical Hermeneutics |
2006 |
Dingley, S. |
“A Plea for Responsibility towards the Common Heritage of Mankind” |
2006 |
Edgeworth, Matt |
Ethnographies of Archaeological Practice: Cultural Encounters, Material Transformations |
2006 |
Erdur, Oguz |
“Realisafiction: A day of work at Everybody-Knows-Land” |
2006 |
Evans, Thomas L. (eds.); Daly, Patrick |
Digital Archaeology: Bridging Method and Theory |
2006 |
Fagan, Garrett G. |
Archaeological Fantasies: How Pseudoarchaeology Misrepresents the Past and Misleads the Public |
2006 |
Figal, Günther |
Gegenständlichkeit. Das Hermeneutische und die Philosophie |
2006 |
Jingchen, Wang |
“The Conservation and Presentation of Large-Scale Archaeological Sites in Liaoning, China” |
2006 |
Johnson, Matthew H. |
“On the Nature of Theoretical Archaeology and Archaeological Theory” |
2006 |
Karlsson, Håkan; Gustafsson, Anders |
“Among Totem Poles and Clan Power in Tanum, Sweden: An Ethnographic Perspective on Communicative Artifacts of Heritage Management” |
2006 |
Krieger, William Harvey |
Can There be a Philosophy of Archaeology? Processual Archaeology and the Philosophy of Science |
2006 |
Leaman, O. |
“Who Guards the Guardians?” |
2006 |
Lyman Lee, R.; O’Brien, Michael J. |
Measuring Time with Artifacts: A History of Methods in American Archaeology |
2006 |
Mackay, Richard |
“Whose Archaeology? Social Considerations in Archaeological Research Design” |
2006 |
Matero, Frank G. |
“Making Archaeological Sites: Conservation as Interpretation of an Excavated Past” |
2006 |
Mezzanzanica, Massimo |
Dilthey: Filosofo dell’esperienza: Critica della ragione storica: vita, struttura e significatività |
2006 |
Preucel, Robert W. |
Archaeological Semiotics |
2006 |
Richards, Julian D. |
“Archaeology, E-Publication and the Semantic Web” |
2006 |
Roveland, Blythe |
“Reflecting upon Archaeological Practice: Multiple Visions of a Late Paleolithic Site in Germany” |
2006 |
Scarre, G. |
“Can Archaeology Harm the Dead?” |
2006 |
Tufte, Edward Rolf |
Beautiful Evidence |
2006 |
van Dyke, Ruth M. |
“Seeing the Past: Visual Media in Archaeology” |
2006 |
van Reybrouck, David; Jacobs, Dirk |
“The Mutual Constitution of Natural and Social Identities during Archaeological Fieldwork” |
2006 |
Wells, Richard B. |
Critical Philosophy and the Phenomenon of Mind |
2006 |
Yarrow, Thomas |
“Sites of Knowledge: Different Ways of Knowing an Archaeological Excavation” |
2007 |
Adams, William Y.; Adams, Ernest W. |
Typology and Practical Reality. A Dialectical Approach to Artifact Classification and Sorting |
2007 |
Ashurst, John |
The Conservation of Ruins |
2007 |
Fogelin, Lars |
“Inference to the Best Explanation: A Common and Effective Form of Archaeological Reasoning” |
2007 |
Goode, James F. |
Negotiating for the Past: Archaeology, Nationalism, and Diplomacy in the Middle East, 1919-1941 |
2007 |
Hauser, Rick |
Reading Figurines |
2007 |
Jameson, John H. (eds.); Baugher, Sherene |
Past Meets Present: Archaeologists Partnering with Museum Curators, Teachers, and Community Groups |
2007 |
Jones, Andrew |
Memory and Material Culture |
2007 |
Lyman, R. Lee |
“Archaeology’s Quest for a Seat at the High Table of Anthropology” |
2007 |
Moser, Stephanie |
“On Disciplinary Culture: Archaeology as Fieldwork and Its Gendered Associations” |
2007 |
Read, Dwight |
Artifact Classification: A Conceptual and Methodological Approach |
2007 |
Renfrew, Colin |
Prehistory: The Making of the Human Mind |
2008 |
Bailey, Geoff |
“Time Perspectivism: Origins and Consequences” |
2008 |
Bentley, R. Alexander (eds.); Chippindale, Christopher; Maschner, Herbert D.G. |
Handbook of Archaeological Theories |
2008 |
Berners-Lee, Tim; Shadbolt, Nigel; Hall, Wendy |
“The Semantic Web Revisited” |
2008 |
Brittain, Charles |
“Arcesilaus” |
2008 |
Carr, Nicholas |
“Is Google Making Us Stupid? What the Internet is Doing to Our Brains” |
2008 |
Díaz-Andreu, Margarita |
A World History of Nineteenth-Century Archaeology: Nationalism, Colonialism, and the Past |
2008 |
Earle, Timothy |
“Cultural Anthropology and Archaeology: Theoretical Dialogues” |
2008 |
Gardner, Andrew |
“Agency” |
2008 |
Knappett, Carl; Malafouris, Lambros |
Material Agency: Towards a Non-Anthropocentric Approach |
2008 |
Knappett, Carl; Malafouris, Lambros |
“Material and Non-Human Agency: An Introduction” |
2008 |
Lucas, Gavin |
“Time and the Archaeological Event” |
2008 |
Matero, Frank G. |
“Heritage, Conservation, and Archaeology: An Introduction” |
2008 |
Mills, Barbara J. (eds.); Walker, William H. |
Memory Work: Archaeologies of Material Practices |
2008 |
Moro, Andrea |
The Boundaries of Babel: The Brain and the Enigma of Impossible Languages |
2008 |
Outram, Alan K. |
“Introduction to Experimental Archaeology” |
2008 |
Schiffer, Michael B.; James M. Skibo |
People and Things: A Behavioral Approach to Material Culture |
2008 |
Schindler, David C. |
Plato’s Critique of Impure Reason: On Goodness and Truth in the Republic |
2008 |
Sokolowski, Robert |
Phenomenology of the Human Person |
2008 |
Webster, Gary S. |
“Culture History: A Culture-Historical Approach” |
2009 |
Cooney, Gabriel |
“European and Global Archaeologies” |
2009 |
Guidi, Alessandro |
Preistoria della complessità sociale |
2009 |
Harding, Anthony |
“Towards a European Archaeology” |
2009 |
McAnany, Patricia A.; Hodder, Ian |
“Thinking about Stratigraphic Sequence in Social Terms” |
2009 |
Montella, Massimo |
Valore e valorizzazione del patrimonio culturale storico |
2009 |
Powell, Barry B. |
Writing: Theory and History of the Technology of Civilization |
2009 |
Trebsche, Peter |
“Does Form Follow Function? Towards a Methodical Interpretation of Archaeological Building Features” |
20094 |
Wittgenstein, Ludwig |
Philosophische Untersuchungen / Philosophical Investigations |
2010 |
Bauer, C. J. (eds.); Caspers, Britta; Jung, Werber |
Georg Lukács, Kritiker der unreinen Vernunft |
2010 |
Brown, Clifford |
“Reflections on Metaarchaeology” |
2010 |
Buccellati, Giorgio |
“The Semiotics of Ethnicity: The Case of Hurrian Urkesh” |
2010 |
Clifford, James; Marcus, George E. |
Writing Culture: The Poetics and Politics of Ethnography |
2010 |
Heidegger, Martin |
Vom Wesen der Sprache |
2010 |
Kansa, Eric; Kansa, Sarah Whitcher; Burton, Margie M.; Stankowski, Cindy |
“Googling the Grey: Open Data, Web Services, and Semantics” |
2010 |
Lucas, Gavin |
“Triangulating Absence: Exploring the Fault Lines between Archaeology and Anthropology” |
2010 |
Pavel, Cătălin |
Describing and Interpreting the Past: European and American Approaches to the Written Record of the Excavation |
2010 |
Radice, Roberto |
“Allegoria: evoluzione del concetto e del metodo nel pensiero greco” |
2010 |
Tilley, Christopher |
Interpreting Landscapes: Geologies, Topographies, Identities |
2010 |
Archaeological Methods |
by Cummings, V.; Hawkesworth, S.; Degya, A. |
2011 |
Bintliff, John (eds.); Pearce, Mark |
The Death of Archaeological Theory? |
2011 |
Carver, Geoff |
“Reflections on the Archaeology of Archaeological Excavations” |
2011 |
Cherry, John F. |
“Still not Digging, Much” |
2011 |
Cull, Barry W. |
“Reading Revolutions: Online Digital Text and Implications for Reading in Academe” |
2011 |
Dunnell, Robert |
“Excavation as a Ground of Archaeological Knowledge” |
2011 |
Frabetti, Federica |
“Rethinking the Digital Humanities in the Context of Originary Technicity” |
2011 |
Harrison, Rodney |
“Surface Assemblages: Towards an Archaeology in and of the Present” |
2011 |
Horning, Audrey |
“Compelling Futures and Ever-Present Pasts: Realigning the Archaeology of Us” |
2011 |
Kansa, Eric (eds.); Kansa, Sarah Whitcher; Watrall, Ethan |
Archaeology 2.0: New Approaches to Communication and Collaboration |
2011 |
Stewart, Iain |
“Sartre, Aron and the Contested Legacy of the Anti-Positivist Turn in French Thought, 1938-1960” |
2011 |
Wynn, Thomas; Coolidge, Frederick L. |
How to Think Like a Neandertal |
2012 |
Bahn, Paul G. |
Cave Art. A Guide to the Decorated Ice Age Caves of Europe |
2012 |
Beck, Anthony; Neylon, Cameron |
“A Vision for Open Archaeology” |
2012 |
Berry, D. |
Understanding Digital Humanities |
2012 |
Brughmans, Tom |
“Thinking Through Networks: A Review of Formal Network Methods in Archaeology” |
2012 |
Buccellati, Giorgio |
“Towards a Linguistic Model for Archaeology” |
2012 |
Buccellati, Giorgio |
“Quando in alto i cieli…” La spiritualità mesopotamica a confronto con quella biblica |
2012 |
Burdick, Anne; Drucker, Johanna; Lunenfeld, Peter; Presner, Todd; Schnapp, Jeffrey |
Digital Humanities |
2012 |
Carver, Geoff |
“How to Archaeologize with a Hammer” |
2012 |
Derricourt, Robin |
“Pseudoarchaeology: The Concept and Its Limitations” |
2012 |
Ducke, Benjamin |
“Natives of a Connected World: Free and Open Source Software in Archaeology” |
2012 |
Grier, Michelle |
“Kant’s Critique of Metaphysics” |
2012 |
Hodder, Ian |
Entangled: An Archaeology of the Relationships between Humans and Things |
2012 |
Huggett, Jeremy |
“Lost in Information? Ways of Knowing and Modes of Representation in E-Archaeology” |
2012 |
Jeffrey, Stuart |
“A New Digital Dark Age? Collaborative Web Tools, Social Media and Long-Term Preservation” |
2012 |
Kansa, Eric |
“Openness and Archaeology’s Information Ecosystem” |
2012 |
Knappett, Carl |
Meaning in Miniature: Semiotic Networks in Material Culture |
2012 |
Lake, Mark |
“Open Archaeology” |
2012 |
Lucas, Gavin |
Understanding the Archaeological Record |
2012 |
Lyman, R. Lee |
“A Historical Sketch on the Concepts of Archaeological Association, Context, and Provenience” |
2012 |
Olsen, Bjørnar; Shanks, Michael; Webmoor, Timothy; Witmore, Christopher |
Archaeology: The Discipline of Things |
2012 |
Piqueras-Fiszman, Betina; Spence, Charles |
“The Influence of the Color of the Cup on Consumers’ Perception of a Hot Beverage” |
2012 |
Renfrew, Colin |
Cognitive Archaeology from Theory to Practice: The Early Cycladic Sanctuary at Keros |
2012 |
Shanks, Michael |
The Archaeological Imagination |
2012 |
Simandiraki-Grimshaw, Anna (eds.); Stefanou, Eleni |
From Archaeology to Archaeologies: The ‘Other’ Past |
2012 |
Sini, Carlo |
Il sapere dei segni: Filosofia e semiotica. |
2013 |
Allais, Lucia |
“Integrities: The Salvage of Abu Simbel” |
2013 |
Bonde, Sheila; Houston, Stephen |
Re-Presenting the Past: Archaeology through Text and Image |
2013 |
Buccellati, Federico A. |
Three-dimensional Volumetric Analysis in an Archaeological Context |
2013 |
Buccellati, Giorgio |
“Conquista del tempo ed evento assoluto: per una semiotica dei calendari mesopotamico e biblico” |
2013 |
Buccellati, Giorgio |
“When Were the Hurrians Hurrian? The Persistence of Ethnicity in Urkesh” |
2013 |
Buccellati, Giorgio |
Alle origini della politica. La formazione e lo sviluppo dello stato in Siro-Mesopotamia |
2013 |
Buccellati, Giorgio |
“The History of the Cotsen Institute of Archaeology as a Research Paradigm” |
2013 |
Campbell, Ewan; Leiper, Rob |
“Digging Deeper in the Archaeological Psyche” |
2013 |
Carver, Geoff; Lang, Matthias |
“Reflections on the Rocky Road to E-Archaeology” |
2013 |
Corley, Hugh |
“Can you Hack (the) Communication?” |
2013 |
Costa, Stefano; Beck, Anthony; Bevan, Andrew; Ogden, Jessica |
“Defining and Advocating Open Data in Archaeology” |
2013 |
De Beaune, Sophie A. |
Chasseurs-cueilleurs: Comment vivaient nos ancêtres du Paléolithique supérieur |
2013 |
Earl, G. (eds.); Sly, T.; Chrysanthi, A.; Murrieta-Flores, P.; Papadopoulos, C.; Romanowska, I.; Wheatley, D. |
Archaeology in the Digital Era: Papers from the 40th Annual Conference of Computer Applications and Quantitative Methods in Archaeology (CAA), Southampton, 26-29 March 2012 |
2013 |
Harris, Edward |
“Urban Sites and the Stratigraphic Revolution in Archaeology” |
2013 |
Huggett, Jeremy |
“Disciplinary Issues: Challenging the Research and Practice of Computer Applications in Archaeology” |
2013 |
Jabr, Ferris |
“The Reading Brain in the Digital Age: The Science of Paper versus Screens” |
2013 |
Kansa, Eric; Kansa, Sarah Whitcher |
“We All Know That a 14 Is a Sheep: Data Publication and Professionalism in Archaeological Communication” |
2013 |
Lucas, Gavin |
“Afterword: Archaeology and the Science of New Objects” |
2013 |
McDonough, Richard |
“Referential Opacity and Hermeneutics in Plato’s Dialogue Form” |
2013 |
McMahon, Augusta |
“Space, Sound, and Light: Toward a Sensory Experience of Ancient Monumental Architecture” |
2013 |
Rathje, William L. (eds.); Shanks, Michael; Witmore, Christopher |
Archaeology in the Making: Conversations Through a Discipline |
2013 |
Schiffer, Michael B. |
The Archaeology of Science: Studying the Creation of Useful Knowledge |
2013 |
Walker, Cameron (eds.); Carr, Neil |
Tourism and Archaeology: Sustainable Meeting Grounds |
2013 |
Webb, David |
Foucault’s Archaeology: Science and Transformation |
2013 |
Michael Shanks Archaeologist |
Website of Michael Shanks |
2013 |
Symmetrical Archaeology |
Directed by Timothy Webmoor and Christopher Witmore |
2014 |
Atalay, Sonya (eds.); Clauss, Lee Rains; McGuire, Randall H.; Welch, John R. |
Transforming Archaeology: Activist Practices and Prospects |
2014 |
Balza, M.E.; Mora, C. |
“Memory and Tradition of the Hittite Empire in the post-Hittite Period” |
2014 |
Buccellati, Giorgio |
“The Threefold Invention of Time: Transcendental, Transcendent, Trans-temporal” |
2014 |
Hegmon, Michelle; et al |
“The Human Experience of Social Change and Continuity: The Southwest and North Atlantic in ‘Interesting Times’ ca. 1300” |
2014 |
Madella, Marco; Rondelli, Bernardo; Lancelotti, Carla; Balbo, Andrea; Zurro, Debora; Campillo, Xavi Rubio; Stride, Sebastian |
“Introduction to Simulating the Past” |
2014 |
Pereboom, Derk |
“Kant’s Transcendental Arguments” |
2014 |
Schrödinger, Ervin |
Nature and the Greeks and Science and Humanism |
2014 |
Shott, Michael |
“Digitizing Archaeology: A Subtle Revolution in Analysis” |
2014 |
Stueber, Karsten |
“Empathy” |
2014 |
Tyson, Lois |
Critical Theory Today: A User-Friendly Guide |
2014 |
Grammar of the Archaeological Record (GAR) |
by Giorgio Buccellati |
2015 |
Abadía, Oscar Moro; Palacio-Pérez, Eduardo |
“Rethinking the Structural Analysis of Palaeolithic Art: New Perspectives on Leroi-Gourhan’s Structuralism” |
2015 |
Arakawa, Takahiro; et al. |
“A Sniffer-Camera for Imaging of Ethanol Vaporization from Wine: The Effect of Wine Glass Shape” |
2015 |
Arp, Robert; Smith, Barry; Spear, Andrew D. |
Building Ontologies with Basic Formal Ontology |
2015 |
Berggren, Åsa; Dell’Unto, Nicolo; Forte, Maurizio; Haddow, Scott; Hodder, Ian; Issavi, Justine; Lercari, Nicola; Mazzucato, Camilla; Mickel, Allison; Taylor, James S. |
“Revisiting Reflexive Archaeology at Çatalhöyük: Integrating Digital and 3D Technologies at the Trowel’s Edge” |
2015 |
Beyer, Christian |
“Edmund Husserl” |
2015 |
Bohman, James |
“Critical Theory” |
2015 |
Chao, Tiffany C.; Cragin, Melissa H.; Palmer, Carole L. |
“Data Practices and Curation Vocabulary (DPCVocab): |
2015 |
Collar, Anna; Coward, Fiona; Brughmans, Tom; Mills, Barbara J. |
“Networks in Archaeology: Phenomena, Abstraction, Representation” |
2015 |
Dallas, Costis |
“Jean-Claude Gardin on Archaeological Data, Representation and Knowledge: Implications for Digital Archaeology” |
2015 |
Frabetti, Federica |
Software Theory. A Cultural and Philosophical Study |
2015 |
Lucas, Gavin |
“Archaeology and Contemporaneity” |
2015 |
Pizzeghello, Andrea; Vidale, Massimo; Salemi, Guiseppe; Tinè, Vincenzo; Di Pilato, Sergio |
“De-constructing Terracotta Female Figurines: a Chalcolithic Case-study” |
2015 |
Roosevelt, Christopher H.; Cobb, Peter; Moss, Emanuel; Olson, Brandon R.; Ünlüsoy, Sinan |
“Excavation is Destruction Digitization: Advances in Archaeological Practice” |
2015 |
Smith, Michael E. |
“How Can Archaeologists Make Better Arguments?” |
2015 |
Wilson, Andrew T.; Edwards, Ben |
Open Source Archaeology: Ethics and Practice |
2016 |
Buccellati, Giorgio |
“The Transcendental Revolution” |
2016 |
Chapman, Robert; Wylie, Alison |
Evidential Reasoning in Archaeology |
2016 |
James, N. |
“Replication for Chauvet Cave” |
2016 |
Overmann, Karenleigh A. |
“Beyond Writing: The Development of Literacy in the Ancient Near East” |
2016 |
Starzmann, Maria Theresia; Roby, John R. |
Excavating Memory: Sites of Remembering and Forgetting |
2016 |
Thomason, Allison Karmel |
“The Sense-Scapes of Neo-Assyrian Capital Cities: Royal Authority and Bodily Experience” |
2016 |
Chauvet-Pont d’Arc Cave; Wayback Machine stable link |
National Archaeology Museum |
2016 |
The Harris Matrix; Wayback Machine stable link |
Edward Harris |
2016 |
Viaggio nei Fori; Wayback Machine stable link |
by Piero Angela & Paco Lanciano |
2017 |
Buccellati, Giorgio |
Critique of Archaeological Reason. Structural, Digital and Philosophical Aspects of the Archaeological Record. |
2018 |
Lucas, Gavin |
Writing the Past: Knowledge and Literary Production in Archaeology |
2020 |
Buccellati, Giorgio |
“Degrees of Digitality. The Case of Excavation Reports” |
2023 |
Gardini, Silia |
La disciplina amministrativa dell’archeologia. Politiche culturali e governo del territorio |
2023 |
Ragno, Roberto |
“Towards a Philosophy of Archaeology. Review to Giorgio Buccellati, A Critique of Archaeological Reason: Structural, Digital and Philosophical Aspects of the Excavated Record“ |
Buccellati, Giorgio |
The Four Republics |
Xxxx |
Tunca, Öhnan |
“Archaeological Stratigraphy: Present Survey of its Development and the State of Knowledge” |