Critique of Archaeological Reason
8. Monographs: Kant


Giorgio Buccellati – October 2013

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Main purpose of the monograph

The main goal of this digital monograph is to provide a set of references to the main argument developed in the printed volume (Chapter 14). It is a self-standing body of data, almost like an anthology, not keyed to the printed text of the Critique in the form of footnotes. It follows loosely the structure of my argument, with relevant connective comments.

I first review the basic articulation of the subject matter as it recurs in the three Critiques, namely the two doctrtines of the elements and of method, and bring to light the correlation with contemporary modes of thought.

The monograph then covers the three main lines of inquiry about the notion of structure as I have isolated them in Kant’s writings. They are particularly relevant to my concerns, even though they are not identifiable as such in Kant’s terminology.

Finally, the monograph addresses other concepts that are explicitly developed in Kant’s writings and are direct relevant for my argument.

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There are three major concepts in Kant’s system that, in my view, bear directly on the modern concept of structure. They are tentional bracing, inclusivity and referentiality. The corresponding German words (such as “Struktur,” “einklammern,” “anspielen”) do not appear in his major writings, but it is the interlocking of arguments founded on these concepts that gives my assumption its strength. My intent is to show how these concepts are central to the unfolding of the very notion of “critique,” obviously central to Kant’s thought.

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Other concepts

One will find here references to concepts that are central to Kant’s thought, and are therefore extremely well represented in his writings. I will select only those passages that are relevant for my own argument.

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